Jerry Kopel |
Who do you believe, State Treasurer Mike Coffman or Governor Bill Owens?
They had very different feelings about HB 1001, the first bill introduced in
2005 and the next to last one to be passed. "One of my top priorities" wrote
Coffman after the bill passed the legislature, " has been putting a stop to
the practice of transferring hundreds of millions of dollars from the state's
cash funds to balance the general fund budget.."
"HB 1001...would restrict the future use of cash funds for anything other than
their intended purpose, " (such as the Petroleum Storage Tank Fund, the
Unclaimed Property Trust Fund, and the Workers Compensation Trust Fund.)
Gov. Owens vetoed HB 1001 on May 27, citing Barber vs. Owens, a
March 18 Denver District Court decision, as one basis for his veto. The second
basis was "The General Assembly's ability to make these transfers to fund
constitutionally and federally mandated programs prevented the need to request
tax increases to fund the increase in these mandated programs."
As a third basis "HB 1001 incorrectly implied that it limits future
(legislatures) from transferring cash funds for general purposes. Only the
Colorado constitution can limit the appropriation power of the legislature."
The decision in Barber vs. Owens did not deal with HB 1001. The court did not
have under consideration a law passed by the legislature that voluntarily
reduced the legislative ability to transfer funds. The court only had to
decide if the action the legislature took under then-present law passed by the
legislature was constitutional.
"Crediting money to a special fund..." wrote the court "does not mean the
General Assembly is prohibited from appropriating the money in the special
fund for another purpose..."
"...the power of the General Assembly over appropriations is absolute...These
(special) funds were created under the General Assembly's legislative power to
enact...(and) the General Assembly has the constitutional power to amend or
repeal provisions of the (special) funds."
The court then stated even if the transfers were unconstitutional, the court
could do nothing about it, since the appropriation or allocation of money in a
purely legislative function, is not subject to judicial control.
On the second basis of the veto, the question "was HB 1001 helpful or not as
far as potential tax increases were concerned?" is not a valid basis for
vetoing HB 1001. The bill was, at most, an irritation to the governor's
philosophy. If the need to transfer cash funds ever arose again, let the
legislature make that decision by amending the law.
On the third basis, the governor has to be kidding. Every bill passed by the
legislature limits future legislatures in the sense that the present law is
repealed or amended to produce a desired future result. Every regulatory
agency law passed by the legislature contains a FUTURE date when the agency
"sunsets". If a future legislature wants to keep the agency it must amend the
directive from a past legislature.
HB 1001 by Rep. K. Jerry Frangas (D) and Sen. Paula Sandoval (D) was the very
first bill introduced in the 2005 session, and it was the next to last bill
(excluding memorials) to be re-approved by the House on the last day of the
2005 session.
The dates when actions were taken helps underscore the fact the court decision
did not affect HB 1001. The bill passed the House on Feb. 1 by a 50-15 margin.
Only two Republicans voted "no", Rep. Dale Hall and Rep. Bob McCluskey.
The court decision is Barber vs. Owens was released March 18. HB 1001 was
then vastly amended in the Senate April 12 and on April 13 passed 20 to 14.
Obviously the amendments were to make certain that the bill met any
constitutional objections.
The bill then went to conference committee. The Senate acted first, accepting
the committee recommendations and re-passed the bill 21 to 13. It passed the
House 51 to 14, with seven Republican "no" votes.
If the measure is reintroduced early in 2006 and passed early, it has a chance
to override a veto, at least based solely on the arguments provided in the May
27 letter by the governor.
(Jerry Kopel served 22 years in the Colorado House.)
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