Jerry Kopel |
“Jerry Kopel Cares”
An Analysis of the Marketing and Organizational Techniques in Gerald
Kopel’s 1978 Campaign
David B. Kopel
Engineering 9, Dean Hazeltine, Brown
January 1979
November 1976, veteran state legislator Gerald Kopel was upset by his
Republican challenger, Paul Swalm. Two years later, thanks to a more
professionally run campaign Kopel beat Swalm and returned to the
legislature. The reasons for his victory lie in sound decision-making
processes applicable to most business and non-profit organizations.
This month, Kopel begins his fifth term in the Colorado House of
Representatives. The Colorado House is the state's equivalent of the
federal House of Representatives. Each of the sixty-five members is
elected every two years from individual districts. After every
national census, the legislature redraws its district boundaries.
GERALD KOPEL 1964-1978
Gerald Kopel graduated from Denver University Law School in 1958 and
went into practice with his wife Dolores.
In 1964, he ran for the House of Representatives and won. The
1966 elections were held at large for the city of Denver; after what
he called a "lazy" campaign, he lost.
Kopel reentered politics in 1970. After hard work in the primary, in
which he stressed his role as a consumer champion, he unseated a
lethargic Democratic incumbent. (See exhibit group A). In the largely
Democratic district, he won the general election easily.
1971, the legislature redrew the district boundaries. In retaliation
for Kopel’s opposition to holding the 1976 Winter Olympics in
Colorado, he was gerrymandered out of the racially integrated and
heavily Democratic Park Hill community, where Kopel had been a leader
for many years. He found himself in a district with a Republican edge.
(The district was about equal between Republicans, Democrats, and
Independents, but Republicans were the largest group.)
Kopel had no opponent in the Democratic primary in 1972, so he went to
work in June on the general election. His opponent was Elaine Homan,
the widow of an air force officer. While Homan did little campaigning
except for a few radio ads and door-to-door work, Kopel repeated his
strategy of relying heavily on door-to-door campaigning and
distribution of verbose literature through a volunteer network. Mainly
because of Homan's offensive manner, she lost more votes than she won
door-to-door, and made Kopel the only Democratic candidate to win a
majority in the district in 1972. (See exhibit group B).
Kopel’s opponent in 1974 was Tom Moen, president of the local retail
gasoline dealer's association. Moen worked more effectively than
Homan, putting more effort into advertising. However, 1974 was a
Democratic year; Kopel, running a similar campaign based on his
consumerist accomplishments and promises was re- elected. (See exhibit
group C).
Nineteen seventy-six turned out to be a different story. Despite
warnings from “insiders” that Kopel was unbeatable, two candidates
entered the Republican primary for the chance to run against Kopel.
The winner was Paul Swalm, the owner of several apartment buildings in
the district. Kopel reran his previous campaigns, but for once he was
up against a smarter politician than he. While Kopel stuck to door-
to-door and literature (See exhibit group D), Swalm ran an innovative
campaign. Not only did Swalm go door-to-door, using his charisma and
ease in dealing with people to win followers, he worked hard to be
visible, perhaps because he realized Kopel was better known. Raising
almost twice as much
Kopel took Swalm seriously, but no more seriously than any other
opponent. He dismissed much of Swalm’s effort, such as the notepads,
as beneath the intelligence of the voters. On
election day, Kopel was shocked as the results added up to a
Swalm victory (See exhibit group D).
Kopel’s next campaign showed greatly increased political
sophistication, while Swalm’s showed a complacent repeat of the last
time. Kopel won 53 percent of the votes and a seven hundred vote
margin. The size of his victory surprised even him. Below is an
examination of several details of the campaign, as well as some of the
differences in campaign strategy that spelled the difference between
victory and defeat for Kopel.
(See exhibit group E).
Precincts 1301, 02, 03, 06, 07, and 08 are residential areas from the
old Park Hill district to the North. Kopel always wins these areas,
but won even more votes in 1307 and 08 this time; he attributes the
gain to his participation in the community fight against an adult
Precincts 1304, 05, 09, 10, 38, and 41 all contain a mixture of single
family houses and apartment buildings. They are the poorest part of
the district and, consequently, turnout for
elections is below average. Kopel made significant gains in all
these areas, as well as in other precincts with apartments, but
because of the low turnout gained less than he felt he deserved o
Except for 1314, the entire area within the heavy black line in the
center of the map is single family residences. Kopel and Swalm each
won about half the precincts in 76, but Kopel won almost every
precinct in 78. Besides holding onto 1311, 12, 14, and 16, Kopel
picked up 1313, 15, and 19. 1318 stayed with Swalm, but with a much
smaller margin than before. Partly because of his outstanding
performance at a debate described below, Kopel did well in 1320 and
21, which together comprise the "Montclair Community".
1324, 25, and 26 are the richest part of the district, and have never
supported Kopel.
1323, 27, 28, and 29 are Jewish areas. Kopel's 1978 margin erased many
of the gains Swalm had made with the Jewish community in the previous
1322 is Lowry Air Force base; the population is transient and voter
turnout low.
1335, 38, 39, 40 and 42 contain apartment buildings for upper income
groups. Swalm owns the buildings in 1340.
The rest of the district- 1330, 31, 32, 34, 36, and 37 comprise a
retirement community known as Windsor Gardens. The area is staunchly
Republican. Fortunately, Kopel managed to keep his 1978 losses in the
area low enough so that they did not ease his margin of victory
elsewhere in the district.
The change in 1978 that led to most of the other improvements was a
change in organizational structure. In earlier campaigns, Kopel was
not only the candidate, but for all purposes except show, the campaign
manager. Trying to do both jobs proved too much in 76, and would have
been nearly impossible in 78. Kopel hired [X] as campaign manager in
early 1978; [X] turned out to be less than competent and was fired in
July. Kopel and his wife searched the party regulars in the district,
but no-one was willing to take the job. Luckily, Jean Goodwin, one of
the Democratic captains in the district volunteered. She took over
late in July, putting twenty hours a week of unpaid time into the
Jean was assisted by Phil Munishor, a law
student at the University of Colorado; he was Kopel's entire paid
staff. Jean, Phil, and Jerry’s wife
Besides Goodwin and Munishor, Kopel had
help from a campaign strategy committee of about seven people. All of
the members were Democratic party regulars
who had worked for Kopel in the past. The campaign committee met
several times in the spring and early summer to decide the focus of
the campaign and met irregularly during the campaign.
Jerry Kopel gave a much stronger performance personally in 78 than 76.
Although he was less involved in the details of campaigning, he helped
his cause more. The Jerry Kopel the voters met in 78 was far more
personally appealing than the one in 76. He was in better health and
took care to pace himself. Jean Goodwin’s efforts as a campaign
manager allowed him to concentrate on
doorto-door campaigning and other personal appearances. When
he had to make an important personal appearance at a night-time
function, he was careful to stop going door-to-door early in the day
so as to be well rested. His better health and greater energy may also
have contributed to his ability to overcome his compulsive, intense
personality and follow suggestions more easily.
From June until November, Kopel spent most of the daylight hours going
door-to-door. When doing so, he was more attentive
Kopel's 78 literature was one of the major
improvements over 76. As exhibits A through E show, Kopel’s earlier
literature was bulging with copy. Highly literate, it talked about
specific issues in detail. The closest Kopel came to appealing to
someone not willing to invest several minutes reading was his cartoon
pieces, but even they were frequently full of copy. Kopel also
believes that if one does not use volunteers, they go to work for
somebody else, so in every election until 1978, he had a new piece of
literature to be distributed every two weeks between September and
November. When going door-to-door, he used to hand a constituent many
pieces of literature. At the insistence of his campaign staff, Kopel
put out less literature but improved the quality. The "Jerry Kopel
Cares" brochures were checked by several people many times for reading
ease, clarity, and interest before printing. Once finished, it showed
a degree of care and appeal not found in the earlier brochures. (See
exhibit group F).
The brochure is both physically more attractive and inviting than any
previous effort. "Jerry Kopel Cares" shows the results of attention to
details. Notice the candelabra at the top of the bookshelf in the
picture of Jerry playing the piano. It is an unspoken appeal for
Jewish votes. Kopel is hoping the candelabra will look like a Menorah
(Although Kopel is Jewish, he is not practicing.)
Also note that there are three different brochures, each with a
different picture below the headline "The Change We Need is Jerry
Kopel." Kopel had the brochure with the picture of Regis Groff
distributed in the Park Hill part of the district, the brochure
showing Kopel at a luncheon with elderly people in the Windsor Gardens
area, and the one with the picture of Barbara
Holme distributed in the rest of the district.
One example of the effect outside advice had on Kopel is
Besides improving the literature, Kopel picked up almost every one of
Swalm’s 1976 tricks. No longer concerned about running a gimmicky
campaign, Kopel, like Swalm, used telephone notepads, roof-mountable
car signs, radio ads, and posters. Dolores Kopel and Jean Goodwin
supervised efforts to have Kopel posters put up in as many places as
possible; in 76, the posters had been given little attention.
Unfortunately, the poster was produced in the early spring without
much outside advice. Drab and uninteresting, it symbolized Kopel's
previous campaigns-just too dignified.
Kopel benefitted greatly from outside advice in preparing the radio
advertisements. Steve Keany, a friend of
Jean Goodwin and station manager for a local radio station advised
him. Keany persuaded
One bit of bizarre advertising shows a danger of outside advice. Over
the summer, Kopel supporters bought ads mocking Swalm in “The Colorado
Statesman", the local bipartisan political paper.
Swalm and Kopel had both appealed to special interest groups in 1976,
but in 78 Kopel stepped up his efforts. Both candidates had friends in
the Jewish community write letters to other Jews asking for support.
The mailing list of Rabbi Daniel Goldberger, a Kopel supporter,
quadrupled from 300 to 1200 households for 1978. Kopel also had
friends take out ads in "The Jewish News" with implied calls for
religious solidarity. Kopel made sure people knew that he had
persuaded the Denver Election commission not to end registration on
Rosh Hashanah. (What he didn't tell anyone was that his wife, a
Methodist, had noticed the scheduling problem.) Thanks to his
targeting of the Jewish vote, Kopel won back some of the votes Swalm
had taken away in 76. (See exhibit group J).
Both Swalm and Kopel fought hard for the apartment dweller’s vote.
Kopel also tried, mostly unsuccessfully, to encourage apartment
dwellers to get out and vote. Swalm's poor record on tenant rights
came back to haunt in November, but turnout from most apartment
complexes was disappointingly low. (See exhibit group L).
Besides going door-to-door, Kopel made other successful public
appearances. He participated in several "fun” affairs, such as a
sing-along at Windsor Gardens so that people knew he was not overly
serious. (See exhibit group M).
One of the highlights of the campaign was the Montclair
The campaign strategists made a major effort to repackage Gerald Kopel
for the election. They believed that in the past he had come across as
too cerebral, intense, and unapproachable (He is all three).
Feeling that people wanted to vote for a nice guy
who would do a good job, the mangers kept an eye on Kopel to make him
more approachable. As detailed earlier, his performance
door-to-door and at public functions improved greatly. For the first
time his literature worked around a central theme- “Jerry Kopel
Cares." The slogan was chosen after a great deal of thought about what
image to project. The literature became more approachable and friendly
to the uninformed voter. One person or another kept an eye on Jerry's
image throughout the campaign. Jean Goodwin's
effort to cut down Kopel's public antipathy to Swalm, as well as
reduce the massive amount of literature he likes to hand out, are
examples. Kopel had wanted to make a major issue of Swalm's
subservience to suburban lobbyist Freda
Poundstone. (The Denver
Post had characterized Swalm's anti-Denver votes as "Profiles in
Groveling.”) Kopel's advisors realized the public had little idea who
Paul Swalm and Jerry Kopel were, much less Freda
Poundstone and that the whole issue would be obscure. The
advisors also had Kopel change the headline in his brochure "Part of
your present state representative’s shameful record" to “Part of your
present state representative’s sorry record."
The simplest example of the whole process came when the staff decided
to hand out cards near the polling places on election day; the name
the voters were given was the humanized Gerald "Jerry" Kopel. (See
exhibit N).
The differences in what the public saw of Kopel were a result of
Kopel's improved organization. Kopel knew intellectually that he had
to come across as more likeable, but he needed people like Goodwin
reminding him about it every day. It was his campaign committee that
persuaded him to make the race more than a brawl with Swalm, and made
him focus on his own accomplishments, as well as Swalm's mistakes. It
was the campaign committee that continuously revised the brochure
until it was near perfect.
It was Jean Goodwin who finally got Kopel to put out a better
Ralph Nordhauser's help proved to be
indispensible. His suggestion about the ads to "get” Swalm was
useless, but he also came up with two valuable pieces of advice:
having a campaign manager distinct from the candidate, and opening up
a campaign headquarters in a shopping center. The campaign
headquarters made volunteer organization easier, and contributed to
the new sense of professionalism.
did have some worthless ideas that no-one else took seriously, such as
his suggestion to ask the state party's geriatric old pros for advice.
Among the contributions of Jean Goodwin not mentioned earlier was her
handling of the volunteer workers. She did a better job than Jerry had
done of keeping the volunteers motivated for the whole campaign,
possibly because of her more recent experience as a volunteer herself.
Jerry himself came up with several new ideas, such as the note pads
and the car signs (Goodwin then took over the design and placement of
the signs.) Just as Swalm's refusal to concede votes in 76 had helped
him cut his losses in Park Hill and the Jewish areas, Jerry's new
refusal to concede votes helped him cut losses in Windsor Gardens. As
Kopel had done in the past, Goodwin viewed Windsor Gardens as
hopeless, but Kopel kept drawing her attention back to it.
Despite the breakdowns of the new organizational and marketing
strategies, they worked. From the impetus of Jean Goodwin and the rest
of the campaign strategists, the Kopel campaign correctly perceived
its audience for the first time. Jerry Kopel finally
Kopel's marketing technique shifted once he stopped overestimating his
audience, but the change would not have been possible without the
change in the organizational structure. The new structure gave Kopel
outside advice that kept him from repeating his past mistakes, and
took over enough administrative duties so that his effectiveness as a
campaigner improved. Without Jean Goodwin and the others acting as a
brake, Kopel would have tried to do everything himself. Running a
bitter anti-Swalm campaign, he would have beaten no-one but himself.
1980, Kopel should do what worked in 78, fine tune the rest, and be
ready to innovate. He of course must continue to seek outside advice.
He should expand his circle of advisors, because the potential for
mistakes within the 78 group was too great.
Because Jean Goodwin will not run the campaign in 1980, Kopel must
begin the search for an equally effective manager. Since none are
presently in sight, Kopel must look especially hard. Kopel may have to
allocate at least $3,000 of his 1980 budget to staff salary. At least
1,500 dollars of the 15,000 1978 budget was poorly spent; the rest of
the money can be diverted from other expenses. Such
an expenditure would be novel for a
legislative campaign, but if it produces a competent, hard-working
campaign manager, it will help Kopel's chances more than any
advertising could.
Although Kopel should attempt to professionalize the top part of his
1980 staff, he must take care not to lose touch with the
non-professionals and non-politicians. Kopel and his wife are both
well-educated lawyers. Their intellectual strength and involvement in
politics makes it harder for them to understand the concerns of the
average voter. Thanks to Kopel's solicitation of outside advice in 78,
his campaign focused on the important issues. In 76 he had tried to
run on his record and define the issues. This time he and his advisors
anticipated the issues the voters would care about and tailored the
campaign around them. A comparison of the Kopel and Swalm campaigns
shows both candidates touting their own records in the fight against
inflation and big government.
Kopel must look even harder than he has for outside advice about
voters' concerns. He should bring a few people with little experience
in politics onto the advisory committee. The fresh point of view may
lead to valuable suggestions; if not, he does not have to follow the
Despite the increased organization, much of Kopel's strategy was hit
or miss. No-one could say for sure what the effect of the ads in “The
Colorado Statesman” or how much effect the radio ads had, or if the
comparison sheet with Swalm mattered, or many other things. Part of
the continuing effort to professionalize must
After the election, the state Democratic Committee asked Kopel for
advice about how to beat an incumbent. One of the suggestions he gave
was that the candidate must have a deep-rooted conviction of his
opponent's wickedness. Kopel must learn to take a step back and gain
some perspective on the situation. Kopel had always advocated a much
stronger attack on Swalm than anyone else. He was vulnerable to silly
suggestions about going after Swalm, such as the newspaper ads.
Despite what Kopel feels, Swalm is not evil, just extremely
conservative. Had Kopel not been restrained, he would have made a
major issue out trivial point of Swalm's allegiance with Freda
Poundstone. When 1980 arrives,
Kppel will have to be careful not to come
out swinging so hard at his opponent that he creates a backlash. After
all, Tom Moen ran hard at Kopel in 1974, used smear sheets, and lost;
Swalm never mentioned Kopel by name and won in 1976.
The only time Kopel should attack the opposition strongly is when
dealing with an audience ready to listen, such as a crowd at a debate
or special interest group, such as apartment dwellers or elderly
Immediately after the 1976 election Kopel explained his defeat in a
newsletter to his supporters. He laid the blame at the doorstep of the
Denver Democratic party, sinister business interests, and everyone but
himself. By early 1978, he had looked at himself and his last campaign
and seen flaws. Because he had the ability to admit past mistakes and
accept help, he won in 1978. Kopel’s chances in 1980 will depend on
how much he can bring himself to accept even more outside help.
Epilogue, 2013
Swalm ran against Kopel in 1980. The rubber match was hard-fought, and
Kopel prevailed by a little more than a hundred votes. Swalm later ran
for Denver City Council, easily crushed his opposition, and served
several terms.
When the Republican-controlled state legislature redistricted the
Colorado House of Representatives after the 1980 census, the
Republicans decided that Kopel could not be beaten by a Republican; so
they radically changed his district. His 1972-1980 had been evenly
balanced between Democrats, Republicans, and Independents. The new
district was much more Democratic, with Kopel moved into the same
district at as another incumbent Democrat. That Democrat decided not
to challenge Kopel in a primary, and announced his candidacy for
another office. The announcement prompted the Republicans to revise
the district even further, putting Kopel into the district of
incumbent Democratic Representative Jack
McCroskey. McCroskey decided to
leave the legislature, and run for the Board of Directors of the
Regional Transportation District. McCroskey
won that race, and was later re-elected. (Still later,
McCroskey served as a Senior Fellow in
Transportation Policy at the Independence Institute.)
Kopel thus was left as the only incumbent in a heavily Democratic
district. He still campaigned relentlessly, and easily won re-election
in 1980, 1982, 1984, 1986, 1988, and 1990. When he announced in 1992
that he would not run for re-election, his Campaign Treasurer from the
1988 and 1990 elections announced that she would run for the seat.
Diana DeGette won that race in 1992, was re-elected in 1994, and then
in 1996 was elected U.S. Representative from Denver. She continues to
serve in that office.
Beginning in 1993, Kopel served as an advisor to the State House
Democrats, and later the State Senate Democrats, explaining to them
the meaning and effect of proposed bills. He also wrote a column for
the Colorado Statesman,
Colorado’s weekly political newspaper. Before Swalm passed away, Kopel
wrote a column praising Swalm as a sincere and worthy adversary. One
of Swalm’s children, Spencer Swalm, currently serves as a Colorado
State Representative from Littleton, a suburb south of Denver.
1992, David Kopel (Jerry’s son) joined the Independence Institute as
Research Director. The Independence Institute published several op-eds
by Jerry Kopel (some of them co-authored with David), and several
Issue Papers co-authored by them. Another of Paul Swalm’s children,
Katherine Whitcomb, serves on the Board of Trustees of the
Independence Institute.
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Copyright 2015 Jerry Kopel & David Kopel